Leading Through a Pedagogical Lens is an ARCQE sponsored professional learning series.
It’s designed for program administrators and onsite pedagogical leaders (curriculum mentors, directors, assistants, room supervisors) who hold a Level Three certification and have completed the Supporting Curriculum Practice learning series or the Flight course.
This series offers in-depth study of pedagogical leadership for program leaders in child care, family child care, preschool, and school age care programs. The six online modules are supported by facilitated conversations, both in triads and in group pedagogical discussion. The series includes voices from Alberta program leaders who have supported educators in exploring Flight in practice and is a valuable resource for those looking to develop their leadership skills.
Throughout the series, Alberta leaders will share how they are exploring pedagogical leadership in practice. For example, listen to Cheryl Crowther (assistant director, Family Child Care), describe how ‘slowing down’ has been a valuable pedagogical approach in her work with educators.